About us

Know about CueSource and its promise to bring about a revelution in the developers community with its though process. Make Open Source Contributions, worth the effort you put in for them with us!

What we do?

At CueSource, we take Open Source contributions to the next level. Why spend an un-imaginable amout of time for a simple pull request to a Github Repository? We value your time just like you value yours. CueSource brings you a transparent bidding system to make a win-win situation for both, the organizations and the developers.

Why us?

With a team of like-minded individuals, CueSource brings a minimalistic design for our users that makes, in-app navigations, easy for our users. With us, Organizations can find developers through their works on Github, creating a transperancy, and also help newbie developers get experience through working on production based codes.

How we do?

Github, since its launch, has been a boon to developers. We code and manage the state of the code on and through Github. Therefore, through CueSource, we make the process pretty simple. We use Github API and make a transparent profiles for the organizations for them to select the right candidate for contributions to their repositories.

What is CueSource?

CueSource is a Full Stack application that was created to help out new developers who want to support themselves through dev gigs but cannot find any repositories that would merge their PRs. Through CueSource, we provide them with a sustainable source of income through a transparent bidding system.

  1. We help origanizations find their best candidate for contributing to their repo issues.
  2. We realise the importance of the time invested into solving Repo issues and making PRs
  3. We make the payement system into an open and transparent pay system. Devs can come and bid the money they are will to work on the tasks with and get connected to the organization maintainers directly.